Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday Morning Service and Eiffel Tower

It's late for us! Or early however you look at it. I'm starting this post at a quarter to 1am, but my heart is full! I wanted to share the day with you!! God is SO GOOD!

Today was Kylee's birthday. She turned 25 on this mission trip. What a way to celebrate a birthday working in the white fields of God's harvest! We were eating breakfast in our hotel and sang Happy Birthday to her. A little later the hostess brought us some chocolate covered cookies to help celebrate. Thank you!

Well, then we headed out to the church for Sunday morning worship with the Paris Chinese Baptist Church. Of course, Aimee, Brian, and Kylee spent the morning in the kids room telling stories, making balloon animals, and doing the great things they do with kids.

The Chinese sang,

listened intently to Randy preach from God's word about how to grow up in Christ,

then let us partake of the Lord's Supper with them. We are SO blessed to be here! I never would have thought I would have the opportunity to take communion with other people... It just makes you want to be around for the REAL Last Supper when Christ drinks with us again in His Kingdom!

Let me tell you about worship at this little church. You think you worship? Do you sing everything word with your whole heart? These people did.

They might not be the world's top opera singers or the next American Idol, but they made joyful noise that brought tears to my eyes and, above all, pleased our Lord. Remember next time you are in a service who you are singing to and where he's brought you from.

After the service we were fed lunch by these most hospitable people. We were handed large plates of rice that we then piled with noodles, vegetables, liver, pork, and a really good dried fish stuff. I want to find that fish stuff in Tulsa! Hannah wasn't taking enough food so a lady took her plate and piled more rice and noodles on for her. Haha!!

After dinner I had the distinct privilege of sharing with these sweet people my testimony of how I began my relationship with Christ. Then I shared the Disciple's Cross with stories at each discipline shared by Brian, Ro, Randy, and myself. God took my nervousness and turned it into passion.

He spoke through me where I forgot parts. I can't remember each moment, but I felt Him by my side at each story. Thank you, Jesus, for the unbelievable honor of being your child and getting to share with these people how you want them to grow!

Of course, we finished a little quicker than we'd planned, so there was a surprise! We were all asked to come up and share who we were and why we'd come on this trip. Each either shared their testimony or about how God worked through us and brought us here to Paris. The ministry is already growing!

Please pray for tomorrow. Please pray that lots of kids will show up, that ladies will be there for the Bible study, and that we would be ready to work wherever God asks. Tomorrow will be a busy one with some leading VBS, others leading a ladies Bible study, others leading more adult discipleship, and also some going to helpwith construction.

Of course, we got to see a little of Paris tonight.

We went all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Remember as you look at these pictures to pray for Paris and France and Europe. These are beautiful places, but lost.

Paris might be the City of Lights, but they need THE LIGHT to shine through us all!!

Today's Prayer Calendar Item:

As we seek to reveal Jesus and the kingdom of heaven, pray God's Spirit will powerfully work.

Matthew 19:14 - But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

In His service!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much keeping us up to date! It is exciting reading how God is speaking through each of you! Praying for tomorrow!
