Monday, July 11, 2011

Our God is Awesome!!

Thank you for reading these updates, for lifting us up in prayer, and for helping us to follow God's call to GO!

Today was another long day, but a productive and rewarding one. It started with breakfast, which has been great! Then we sat down to here a devotion by David. He shared from Amos 4 where it says that God is powerful and wonderful, but He still wants a relationship with each of us. How amazing to have a God who spoke start into being use His voice to speak His thoughts to us?!

While we went back to the church to begin VBS, Roger left to start helping with construction. While we were riding on the subway today we were treated to a flute player. Yesterday it was an accordian.

When we got to the church there were already more kids than we thought would be there. Doesn't God always do things bigger and better than we ask or imagine?! We ended up with over 30 kids on the first day, of which half were un-churched! Pray that God speaks to their hearts so they and their families will become a part of our heavenly family.

Brian read the book "Puppies for Sale" and explained how Jesus loved each child very much and they were all important and had worth to God.

The kids learned the song, "My God is so Big!"

David told the story of Noah and the ark to begin the day. Many of the kids had never heard the story, but they did remember it when we acted out the skit with them.

After crafts we took the kids to a local park to let them run. Pastor Au even played in a game of Duck-Duck-Goose.

We've made so many friends and met some amazing brothers and sisters!

Aimee, Brian, and I then went to another house church after dinner to share the Disciple's Cross with them. Once again, the singing was true worship. I am thanking God for every opportunity to share how to be a disciple of Christ.

These people are showing love to their brothers and sisters in Christ far beyond what we do. They bring us food at every opportunity. They fix special meals for us. One brother from the Paris church spent the whole afternoon making spring rolls for us tomorrow, then will be making traditional Chinese eggs for us later in the week. He said that he feels so much love from us that he had to show us how he loves God by cooking us special things. WOW! I thank God that He shows His love through me, because it's not us but Him! Then, Pastor Au and Pearl (his wife) treated Aimee, Brian, and me to Pho soup!! I have been craving it since seeing signs near the church and they took us there before the house church. Brian and I even had the Phnom Penh version that had pig kidney and fish cake in it. Yum! And finally, at the house church in the evening they had watermelon and grapes for us, then one of their members drove us home so we wouldn't have to ride the subway. We were over 30 minutes away! When's the last time you went out of your way to make something special for a brother/sister in Christ? When's the last time you drove them to make them more comfortable even if out of your way?

God just keeps working and blessing and showing Himself faithful!!

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