Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mission for our Family

Tomorrow is travel day. We leave late in the afternoon, fly all night, and arrive late morning on Thursday in the Netherlands. We're excited to once again have this opportunity to serve God and others. It was easier to say 'Yes' to God about missions this year, but God has been stretching Aimee and me to begin saying yes to new things. "Do you want to follow me?" he asks. So, what does it mean to say yes? What will we have to give up? What do we gain?

When I wrote about our mission trip a couple days ago I shared a couple verses that may not have clicked with all we are doing (unless you know the 'rest of the story'). I want to share part of that with you today and how it fits in with our mission in a few weeks.

These verses talk about how God's heart and calling for us is to serve widows, orphans, and those in the world who are hurting. God led us to work with the Armenians because He also led us to adopt, but also because the Armenian people are hurting and lost. I've written about the situations these people are living under. God says we are supposed to be a voice crying out for those that can't cry out for themselves. This means praying for them, but it also means getting our feet and hands dirty by going and doing. So, these verses are a calling on Aimee's and my life to serve the Armenians this coming week, but they are also our calling as Christians to stand up for orphans and the oppressed.

What greater way to learn about God's love for us as His adopted children than to have the opportunity and calling to adopt? We've said "YES!" to God's prompting. It's not been easy. We've read the Bible, read blogs, perused books, listened to sermons... all pointing us to this simple truth: "God wants us to love the little treasures He made." Saying yes to God has meant that we follow His plan for our lives and for those He would lead us to adopt. Our part in living out our 'yes' or staying in our sweet spot means that we sacrifice dreams of our 'plan' for a family. We give them up for a greater purpose (and joy) of God's plan.

So, what have I been reading? There are two ideas that have been slinging around in my head for this year. How do I live God's will and plan for my life? How do I fulfill His purpose?

  1. Live within your "yes": Jesus said in Matthew 5:37, "But let your word ‘yes’ be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no.’ Anything more than this is from the evil one." Think about this beyond your word as a Christian. This means more than doing what you say you will do. This means that God has a purpose for your life. If you aren't living His 'yes' for your life, your are in sin! I've been seeking God's 'yes' for my life and making sure that I stay away from the no (even if they're good things!).
  2. Stay in your sweet spot: Steven Furtick says that people have innate talents and gifts that are our comfort zone. These are easy to do, but they don't stretch us. He then says that there is 'la-la land'. This is outside any purpose of God in our life. It might be good things, but they aren't what God intends for us. The 'sweet spot' is where God has gifted us as Christians. The sweet spot is more than we can do on our own. It can be very uncomfortable, but it's where we knock it out of the park! It's where the Spirit takes over. Where is my sweet spot? What is it that I'm really good at because God has gifted me through His Spirit? Where can I knock it out of the park for His glory and fame? 

So, this year I'm looking to knock it out of the park by living God's purpose for my life. That means crying out to Him for the widows, orphans, and oppressed of the world. That means adopting little treasures into our family. That means standing up for the downtrodden.

This "Mission for Our Family" title has two meanings: It's about Aimee and me as a family, but it also means our mission as the family of God.

If you would like more information on what I've been reading, please see Mike Glenn's blog and book over at http://www.mikeglennonline.com/ or see Steven Furtick's excellent video clip of his message at http://www.stevenfurtick.com/sermon-clips/the-secret-to-staying-in-your-sweet-spot/.

We'll post more pictures and entries while we're away. Be looking for them!

Chris Esau

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