Friday, July 13, 2012

Awesome, Holy, Worthy of All Praise!

Our God is awesome!! I had originally planned for the next blog post to be about the devotional I'm leading in the morning. It's ironic that the devotional is about God's plans and our plan A versus His. I'm writing a slightly different post tonight.

We saw God being 25 new people into His kingdom tonight!! All praise unto the Lamb who sits on the throne. All glory and honor and power and praise!

Aimee, a sweet young lady from L.A., and I got the opportunity to share God's story in our lives. Kevin shared from John about Doubting Thomas. Jesus intersected his life, and he was never the same! I know that I have been changed at each intersection with Him. Have you met our risen Savior?

Pray for rest tonight. It's early in the morning as we wind down. Pray for the next few days as we share about discipleship and living a holy life.

Chris Esau

A picture as we prepared to eat dinner.

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