Hi! Aimee here. :) Now that Chris has explained where and why we are going, I thought I'd drop in and talk about things that are personally going on with me.
As I have been preparing for this trip, I was introduced to "Bible Storying." The idea is that you take different stories in the Bible, memorize them, and then go and tell them to a group of children and/or adults. One of the stories I am memorizing is Jonah. Okay, let me just say, this is not an easy task. Going into it I thought, "I can tell the story of Jonah, I've heard it a million times!" Well, just because I've been in church and heard this story since I was in diapers does not mean I can tell it correctly. There is so much more to the book of Jonah than I thought! He was a very selfish, reluctant, easily angered man. He ran from God and didn't GO where he was asked to go; he tried to hide from God; then when God punished him by allowing some sailors to throw him overboard and then living in a fish for three days and nights, he finally did what he was told; then when God showed compassion and did not destroy Nineveh Jonah pouted and told God he would rather die!
As I have continued studying, memorizing, reading and re-reading this story, I began evaluating my own heart. How many times has God asked me to GO and I just didn't listen? How many opportunities have I missed out on because I was trying to "hide" from God? Now, I have never lived in the belly of a large fish (thank goodness!), but God doesn't let me get away with ignoring Him. It has been several years since I've gone on a mission trip, and now is the time God is telling me to GO! (I've also had to work on my getting easily angered problem too...). God is caring, compassionate, and abundant in loving-kindness!! I'm so grateful for his unconditional love and forgiveness.
This trip is not about me, how well I can tell a story, or how others view me. This trip is all about God, for His glory, and for the lives of the people God will place in my path. I am purely an instrument...just a sinful body that God is going to use to further His kingdom.
So, how can you pray for me? Pray that I will fully rely on God to use me and that I will continue to listen to Him when He wants me to GO!
In His Name!!
Aimee :)
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