Monday, February 27, 2012


Where should we go?

That question has been on my mind and heart since returning from my trip. Aimee and I are praying and seeking that answer. I've had the privilege to share with some what amazing things God did on this trip. But, I think one of the most amazing things for me is that God began to show me what Jesus meant in Luke 11:9-10.

"So I say to you, keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who searches finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." (Luke 11:9, 10 HCSB)

I know that the answer is always to do and be in God's will, so I am earnestly seeking that. Jesus spoke in Luke 11 about asking, searching, and knocking. He said it takes persistence. God wants to give us good gifts. He wants to answer our questions. He wants to reveal His will. But are we really seeking it out? Do we out any effort into knowing and finding out where God is at work?

Is our search like the term paper in college that we put off until the last moment? We frantically try and find all the references and then fill in the pages with drivel (striving for a passing grade but with no real learning). I have to be honest. I didn't prepare for this trip as deeply as I wanted to. The cares of this world often got in the way so that I didn't take the time. Paise God that he was still faithful to answer my small prayers with big blessings.

Or is our search like falling in love with the spouse God gifted to you? You can't spend enough time with them as you get to know each aspect of their life and history. You ask questions to see the other person's character and how they respond. You seek to understand their love language. You pursue passionately.

How is my love for God acting out lately? I will pursue with passion and fervor these answers and treasures until they are mine to share with a dying world.

Instead of asking where should we go, maybe the question is where will God take us? And will we say yes to wherever He leads?


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